Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I've realized something, I really like math. Not necessarily doing math, but talking about it. When I'm just hanging out with someone, it isn't uncommon for me to ask what kind of math they are in. It's something that I can easily relate to, due to the fact that a large chunk of my day is spent doing it. It's weird, really. If school is done for the day, why would anyone else want to talk about math of all things?

I also like to tell people younger than me how to do more advanced math. It's not teaching, really. Just sharing what I know.

Then there are the people who do math that is beyond what I'm doing right now. I enjoy learning new concepts that I won't be using for awhile.

At the same time, I can be annoyed at doing math. Sometimes I can enjoy doing it, but often it seems repetitive. Just doing the same thing over, and over, and over again. I can get boring after awhile. And then other times, it seems like the whole world should be like math. You think about it, do the problems, and you're done. It's pretty simple. But sadly, the world isn't like that...

Why am I so comfortable in the wild and wacky wonderland of hyperbolas, logarithms, binomials, and trigonometric functions? I don't know. Sometimes I can't understand all if it, but when I really get it, when it all makes absolute sense, that's cool. It's kind of neat to be able to write a gigantic equation that takes an enormous amount of space, and realize that you understand all of it. If someone asked me to explain the entire problem, showing evidence for everything along the way, I could do it.

Now I'm wondering what I will do my senior year in math. I've got calculus next year, but then I'm done. What will it like to do an entire school year without doing any math? Will I even be able to function?

Hah, I said function without even thinking about. It really isn't funny, but it's math. MATH!


  1. I HATE MATH. Don't ask me why, I just do.

  2. It's probably because you are a wretched humanoid who's grip on reality is slowly, but surely weakening.

    Either that, or maybe a bad experience with it as a child? Do you remember ever being traumatized when a giant polynomial tried to eat you?
