Saturday, June 4, 2011

This Is Going To Be A Fun Blogging Month...

On Monday, I will be going to East Iowa Bible Camp, also known as EIBC. I'll be there for a month with a service program called Tag Team. I'll fix meals, clean, and other fancy stuff. My half ends on July 2nd, but I will still be without internet access for four weeks. I'll be able to come back on weekends, but I will have to write a weeks worth of posts in a very short time. Not to mention that I'll be really tired.

We'll see how it works out. If you are reading this blog, you (hopefully) know me, and you know that I am a very competitive person. I will not let a little challenge like this make me lose to my competition.

This might actually be good for me. I'll be writing a novel in November through NaNoWriMo, so this might be a good way for me to have a similar situation where I have to do a lot of writing in a short amount of time. I'll fully explain NaNoWriMo in another post. I have to use whatever I can, right?

What will I do to manage to cope with all the writing on the weekends? Will I resort to the old fashioned pencil and paper, or will I simply keep all the ideas in my head, and write like a mad man (like I'm not already) during the weekends?

Will the quality of my posts go down? I hope not. I will do my utmost best to keep to my usual standard (oh wait, that isn't that high anyway...)

To Abby and Ryan: I hope that even though you won't have as much direct contact with me, you guys will keep on persevering. It would be really lame for me to make this herculean effort, and then you decide that you have other things in the summer to spend your time on. Please?


  1. Yes, you are a madman. :D

    And yes, I will keep posting everyday!! :)

  2. Since when was that a new idea? Yeah, this month is going to be hardcore. You better not resort to sloppy writing without me to keep you on your toes!

  3. Haha ok!! I will keep at it :D
