Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Laughing Over The Internet

There are many objects of interest on the internet that provide amusement. How do we express this emotion? By laughing. It is true that we could just giggle at the screen, but why not show our pleasure by telling the world about it?  There are a few ways of doing this, and I will cataloger them here for future referencing.

LOL: The infamous "Laughing Out Loud". Though very easy to type, and thus suited for beginners, this option is not recommended, because it is very likely that we will choose to eat you if you use this prolifically.

Hahahahahahahaha!!!!! Still one of the more "simple" options, this is a step up from "LOL". This effect is achieved by alternating hitting "H" and "A" keys. If you wish to make it longer and therefore more annoying, feel free to use "Copy and Paste". "Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!" symbolizes loud, boisterous laughter.

Bwahahahahahaha!!!!!! Ooh, now were are getting more advanced! The addition "B" at the beginning throws off many people, but fear not! Simply try typing this one more slowly. If you messed up (such as "Bbbbwahahahahahaha!!!!!!" or "Bwabhabhabhabhabhabhab!!!!!!") simply delete it and try again. Remember, this can take practice. Even us professionals mess up occasionally.

Mwahahahahahaha!!!!!! Similar to "Bwahahahahahaha!!!!!!", but achieving a different effect. This is the "evil" laugh that were are so fond of. But to be honest, it is more fun just trying to laugh this way in real life....

Although this is somewhat weird and useless, after I got this idea I could not help but use it. No matter what happens, at least I'll know that I amused myself :)