On Youtube there is a channel called Blimey Cow with a regular show called Messy Mondays. You've probably seen some of his videos; people mention them on Facebook a lot. But the problem is, well, the videos just aren't that good....
I guess I just don't understand him. In The Three Types Of Churches he'll go from talking about how we should worship God through not just through music, but who we are, to ridiculing people who say "Lord" or "Father God" multiple times in a prayer. Even going as far as asking if these people think that God forgot his name and needs to be reminded and that they need to "get his attention". Excuse me bud, but last I checked it is going WAY out of line to make fun of someone just because of the way that they pray. He does a very similar thing in Ten Ways to Get Girls to Like You (yes, the things I will force myself to watch for the sake of a well-researched post). He'll switch from saying things that are idiotic to things that are in fact very wise. At #9 on his countdown he mocks girls who like photography even if they aren't very good at it. He even says that 98% of girls have no business uploading photos to Facebook. And the worst of it? He encourages guys to "encourage" these photo taking enthusiast females by deceiving said girl into thinking that they enjoy their pictures. And the whole point? To encourage her to keep on taking photographs. Woah, let's take a step back here. It's true that not every girl is a super special awesome photographer, but I don't think you should go around making fun of them for it. But then #3 on his countdown is "Keep your hands to yourself". Not only is this a wise statement, but he gives a nice example too. I just don't understand why there has to be such a big difference between the things he says.
It's just that the nature of his videos is such that he just throws opinions out there on everything. Look at this video about Facebook changes. Regarding those who complain about Facebook on he Facebook, he said that "there is not even a word for how stupid you are". He continually degrades and ridicules these people, calling them "dumb" over and over again.
Yes, I understand that he uses sarcasm a ton. I also realize that the entire point of the videos is for humour. But if you ask me, even if it is sometimes in jest, throwing out words like "hate", "idiot", and "dumb" literally all the time while describing those who don't agree with you? Excuse me if that isn't funny.
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