Thursday, September 30, 2010


If you have known me for a while, you might know that at times I can be really random. And because I really need to do a new post, I have decided to type basically whatever comes to mind. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

At times I feel it would be kinda nice to have no emotions: When I wasn't studying, I would be exercising, when I wasn't exercising, I would be sleeping. Eating would be done while I was studying or exercising. With no need for companionship, entertainment, or laziness I could get a lot done. Because I could never be bored, happy, sad, or angry, I could keep to my rigorous schedule. I would only eat the cheapest, healthiest foods, saving my family tons of money. And the things I would accomplish, with all the knowledge from my constant studying, I would be a genius. But then there would be a dark side; I would be stuck in a cycle where I only kept going for the next achievement, I could possibly become one of the most important people on the plant, but I could never be happy. Not only because would I have no emotions, but because in such a state people would stay away from me, thinking of me as a freak. Except the ones that wanted my money, which I would have a lot by then. But that is another point, I would never do anything with all my cash. I would be programed to go for the next achievement, which I would probably do until my old bones snapped and I would die a slow death, all alone. Not that I would care, because I would have no emotions.

That was kind of weird, but I only just started, so why stop now?

Wouldn't the world be simpler, if everything was made out of lego? If we were lego people, we wouldn't have to eat or sleep, so everything we did would be fun; from extreme spaceship fighter battles to western gun fights, it would be a blast. You would never get hurt; all you would have to do is put yourself back together. And you would hardly ever get made fun of because of your size or looks, becuase everyone else would look basically the same as you. Except for the midget lego people, but they could just stick together. But just like my last hypothetical situation, there would be drawbacks. Sure you would look like everyone else, but that would mean that your the same as the next person. Your not original, your just the next piece of plastic off of the assembly line. Plus, it would be really hard to make things out of lego, with the pathetic hands you get, anyway.

I know, I know, my first two thoughts were somewhat similar, but I'm not done!

We humans can't seem to learn from the past, can we? For example, we all know Miley Cyrus can't act, yet Hanna Montana still rears its ugly head on Disney channel.

Well, actually that's all I can think of on that topic, but that doesn't mean it isn't true!

I have numerous pet peeves, as I am sure you already noticed, but one of them I have noticed recently is that in game after game, movie after movie, book after book, If the person making the book/movie/game can't think of a good message, he/she just puts in "Follow your heart", and expects for it to be accepted as a important message that all kids should know. But what does it even mean to "follow your heart"? My guess would be that you are ruled by your emotions. If everyone did what their heart told them, the world would probably be a worse place, instead of a better one. So following your every emotion is probably as bad, or worse, than having no emotions at all (like the first section for this post).

I think that's it for today, I hope you enjoyed it!

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