Monday, May 7, 2012

What Do I Want to Do When I Grow Up?

One of the most common questions children of all ages are asked is "what do you want to be when you grow up"? Over the years, I've had many different aspirations. I went from wanting to be a robot (don't judge), to an author, to a chemist (for most of my childhood wanting to be a chemist stood out compared to my other ideas). During junior high and early highschool, I was at a loss, just waiting for something amazing to come my way.
And it did, during the summer and for most of my junior year I developed a love for computers. I greatly enjoy using them, working with them, and programming for them. A degree in Computer Science just seemed to be natural, and that was exactly what I was planning on.

But then several days ago I watched these videos.

In case you are too lazy to watch them, those two videos are actually auto tuned songs of brilliant Theoretical Physicists, Biologists, Astronomers, and Scientists of all types talking about..... Sciencey things (Morgan Freeman might be an exception to "brilliant Scientist" , but he's cool enough that he counts anyway). As I do with every song I hear about Science, I listen to them over, and over, and over again. And quite honestly, it is inspiring listening to such geniuses as Stephen Hawkings and Richard Feynman, even if it is only a phrase or two. To stare into the faces of some of the greatest Scientific minds our world has ever known. So now I'm thinking about going to college for a degree in Science instead. Now I know that it is quite silly to want to drastically change the direction of your life just because of a song or two (Even if Morgan Freeman was in one), but there is more to it. What the songs have done really is just get me thinking. I think that though I love Computer Science, I might be capable of more. I've always been fairly adept at any Science courses I've taken (probably being married to Science had something to do with that), and I must say that I enjoy it. I'm even starting to feel like my eight year old Chemistry-obsessed self again.

Now if I do end up studying Science, what would be my plans? Well, I would like to aim for the highest form of education possible: a PhD. Yeah, I know that it is a bit of a ridiculous plan to go to college with the sole intention of getting a doctorate. I mean, PhD's are by no means easy to obtain, or cheap to pay for the schooling either. For all I know, I might end up failing every Science course I take once I get into college. But nonetheless, I feel like it would be something worth working for. At least attempting anyway.

Now if that doesn't sound even the least bit naive, what about having no idea which field I actually want to go into? Well, having no idea isn't exactly true. Both Physics and Chemistry look to be viable options. There is one interesting thing if I chose Physics though. My grandfather actually was a Scientist, and he received his PhD in Physics. My dad meanwhile ended up getting a Master's in Physics. So if I got at least a Master's in Physics, that would be three generations of Sawatzky's doing so. Though that fact holds little weight regarding which field I will eventually choose, it would be kind of cool.

The thing is, I'm kind of indecisive right now. Do I really want to give up coding as a career (though I would probably at least keep it as a hobby)? Would I be able to pay for all of the schooling it would take to receive a doctorate? Am I capable? And if I am indeed capable, would I be able to stay focused? This really is a very big decision, and I will for sure be giving it a lot more thought. After some more Skyrim, anyway.