Like a lot of people these days, I have a Facebook account. It works for me, cause basically the only way that I can be social is on the internet...
Anyway, Facebook has a lot of uses, along with the mundane reasons that you usually use Facebook for, it works great when trying to find lost family after a natural disaster like the one's in Haiti and Japan. Sadly, there are things about that can be annoying. Particularly, friend requests. I'm not talking about your best friends, but acquaintances. People that you could recognize by face, and MIGHT even be able to say their name (don't count on good pronunciation, though). I don't use facebook a whole lot (except for poking people), so I don't have THAT many friends. But, what happens when a friend request from an acquaintance comes in? You might have a bazillion mutual friends, but you really don't KNOW each other.
I have about 12 friend requests that are just waiting to be answered. Yes or no? We're supposed to be friendly to everyone, right? So parted of me is tempted to answer each and everyone one of them "yes", and then try to friend everyone in the world. But, that probably isn't the best idea.
Despite the feeling that you get from this post, facebook friends aren't really a cause of stress for me. I just needed something to write about...