Sunday, May 15, 2011

Perla Vardo: The Ragnarok Chronicles (Part Five)

"You know?" whispered Mattindell in disbelief. "Of course." answered Tu flatly. "You should of talked to me first, before going on with this wild plan of yours".

"What!" screamed Mattindell. "Wild plan? This is the only way justice will be done, and I have a feeling that you are my enemy in this matter."

"Your justice is twisted and convoluted" answered Tu. "I suggest that we work together if you want anything to get done"

"Your words mean nothing to me, Tu. I've seen, I've seen. And I won't let you or anyone else get away with it. Even if it means my death, I'm taking you with me!"

"Oh, your death seems very probable. But if you think that I will fall with you, you are are sorely mistake. Now let us not wait here any longer; the shadow monsters are right behind us. You wouldn't want to the innocents to die too, right? Even you are not that far gone."

"Mattindell paused for a few seconds, although it seemed to those involved like an eternity. "Alright Tu" he answered. "We'll have it your way. But mark my words, you will not win this day!"

"Please, we have to go NOW!" said Rutherford. "We can not let any more of us die today."

Shaken the group put on a burst of speed. "There is a light ahead!" Said Perla. "I think that we can finally get out of this hole!"

Brilliant sunlight flooded the toys, as if recharging them, and erasing all of their stress. Then, as if it was an illusion, the light was gone. They were back on a bleak, devastated world, with no hope. The hole that they had crawled out of exited in an old, forgotten prison. Although it had long since been abandoned, the barbed wire fences still stood, and the gate was still locked tight. An uneasy feeling aroused itself in Perla. This seemed too planned: first their numbers were dwindled down by the catacombs, and now they were in what looked like an ambush. Before, they might of put up a good fight. Now, they had no chance of survival except if the toys managed to get out of the prison. More monsters appeared out of the prison buildings: they HAD planned all of this.

Mattindell took his magnificent sword out of his sheath. With a nod to the tin soldiers, who also prepared their weapons, he got ready to make his final stand. Lucy took out twin daggers, and took her place to the right of the tin soldiers. Perla, Rutherford, Tu, and several other toys had no weapons or fighting expertise, so they tried to get past the barbed wire wall. Perla, Tu, and a couple other toys started digging, trying to tunnel their way under the fence. Rutherford desperately attempted to climb the fence. He slowly reached the top, but when his hand grasped the barbed wire, he slipped, pulling the wire with him. He hit the ground with a horrific "clunk". A scene flashed into Perla's head, of his dream, recreated before him.

Lucy nervously shifted her weight over her two feet. She wished with all of her heart that it could of ended differently than this. The again, if it ended like this and the world was saved, it would all be worth it. She knew that her group were not trying to defeat the shadow monsters, because that would be impossible. Instead, they simply had to try to give the others as much getaway time as possible. A monster right in front of her. A quick slash with her right dagger exterminated that threat. The another, and another. As she roundhouse kicked one, another in her blind spot attacked with it's claws. Then, all was black...

Perla looked back. Thump. Lucy fell, just as he had saw in his dream. Mattindell raised his sword high, in an attempt to kill yet another monster. Despite his skill, he also was hit by a slash in the side. Tu managed to get a hole ready. Perla crawled under. Looking back once more, he saw all the tin soldiers broken on the ground. Thump.

To be continued...

I've noticed that the overall quality of my stories are going down. Although plot is going along just nicely (you haven't seen anything yet, trust me), the writing just isn't as good...


  1. The more you write, the better you'll get, John! Just keep at it; this story is coming along admirably, and I really want to see where it goes!

  2. This is a good way to make sure that you write everyday! :)
