In my previous post I gave a review for the movie Green Lantern. Overall, I was disappointed that the comic book Green Lantern was not given justice. Thus, I thought I would give myself the pleasure of writing about the real Green Lanterns, from the comic books. Now there has actually been multiple human comic book heroes that wield an emerald power ring and go by the name "Green Lantern". Thus, it can be quite confusing for some. So here, I wish to separate them out. Please excuse me for any errors I might make here. Also, sorry that the information is presented a bit messily :(
Alan Scott |
In 1940, in the Golden Age of comics, Alan Scott was the Green Lantern. His ring had the same powers as other power rings in addition to several magical abilities powered by the Starheart. One of these abilities slowed his aging drastically. But the ring has one weakness: it cannot effect wood. It was later revealed that Alan existed on Earth - 2, an alternate dimension to the Earth - 1 we know and love. In
Crisis on Infinity Earth the remaining multiverse is merged together, thus Alan Scott now exists in the same reality as the other Lanterns. His ring is powered by a mystical, sentient being known as Starheart. Alan was never actually part of the Green Lantern Corps, as made apparent by his costume. However, the Guardian of the Universe did make him an honorary member.
Hal Jordan |
The Silver Age Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, was given a power ring by a dieing alien named Abin Sur, and went on to become one of the most famous, respected, and powerful Green Lanterns in the Corps (He's the guy who starred in the movie). Due to "necessary impurities" in his ring, it cannot effect anything that is the colour yellow. After the entire destruction of his home, Coastal City, Jordan went insane. He was effected by the alien parasite Parralax (you know, the one from the movie) and committed cosmic genocide: Destroying the Central Power Battery on Oa and killing most of the Green Lanterns and all but one Guardian. He was partially redeemed when he gave his life saving Earth from the Sun-Eater. He later became the next incarnation of the Spectre, and finally he became a (thankfully good) Green Lantern again.
Guy Gardner |
Of all the human Lanterns, Guy Gardner is by far the biggest jerk. The sort of guy that you wouldn't give a power ring. Actually, when he first became Hal's backup he was a fairly decent guy. But then some brain damage caused him to be unstable guy (hehe) he is today. After quitting the corps and renouncing his green power ring, he found a new power source: Sinestro's yellow power ring. It was later destroyed in a battle with Parallax. Again in need of a new powers, with the help of alien DNA Gardner became Warrior.
John Stewart |
While Guy Gardner was seriously injured, John Stewart took over as Hal Jordan's backup. He will probably be familiar to many, as he was the Green Lantern in the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited cartoons. Just like Hal, his ring cannot effect anything that is the colour yellow. Although apparently he was supposed to make a cameo appearance in the new Green Lantern movie, I was disappointed to notice nothing of the sort.
Kyle Rayner |
Ah, the infamous crab-mask Lantern. After Hal Jordan as Parralax destroyed the Green Lantern Corps, the last Guardian of the universe, Ganthet, gave a human named Kyle Rayner a power ring. This ring had no weaknesses, either to the colour yellow or wood. Kyle ended up stopping Hal, and has since been known to clean up after his messes. There was quite a bit of debate by the fans on whether or not it was a good decision to replace Hal with Kyle, especially considering that Hal's sendoff was not that of a hero's, but a crazed maniac.
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