Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pride and Prejudice

This year the Marion Home School Assistance Program High School play will be Pride and and Prejudice. I was cast as the role of Mr. Phillips, one of the smaller parts, of which I am eternally grateful. I haven't read the book before, and I only got my script just recently and have just glanced through, but it is apparent that this is a "girly" play. And anyone who knows me knows that romance makes me puke. Not to mention that because of the romance this will be a very awkward play, a fact that I'm not too pleased about. Still, I'm excited. I have plenty of friends (wait, I have friends?) in the play, and I'm sure that I'll have a great time just hanging out.


  1. I think it'll be hilarious!
    And I loved the book. Although I think we should have done Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies for the play this year :D

  2. I abhor zombies in everything, so I think that I would actually prefer the normal Pride and Prejudice.

  3. There's just no pleasing you!!!! :)

  4. Cake would work. Oh wait, that has nothing to do with this. But still...
