Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Humble Indie Bundle #3

The third Humble Indie Bundle is out, which means that I'm pretty happy. For those of you unfamiliar with it, The Humble Bundle is a pay-what-you-want package of digital copies of five different games made by independent developers. These games are DRM (Digital Rights Management) free, which means that there are no restrictions on backing them or playing them on different computers. You can choose how to split what you pay amongst the developers, a tip to the Humble Bundle website (to pay for bandwidth and advertising), and two charities (The Electronic Frontier Foundation and Child's Play). Although technically you could end up paying as little as one penny for all five games, most people end up paying a decent amount. Some (like MineCraft creator, Notch) choose to pay thousands of dollars.

Actually, just like last year, I have never heard about the games being offered. I just trust that they are going to be amazing and I'm going to have a lot of fun. The Bundle is a good way to expand my library on Steam without exhausting all of my already ridiculously low funds. Now that I think about it, of those that read my blog most would either not care about video games, or have already heard about the Bundle. So this is probably not going to help anyone. Well, that's okay. Who cares about my readers, anyway?

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