Monday, August 30, 2010

Homeschoolers Aren't Always Anti Social

As I said earlier in this blog, I'm homeschooled. Now I believe in my case the best way for me to receive my education is at home. Now I know that not all families have this opportunity, and  homeschooling might not be the best option. So, I am here here merely to inform you that the misconception that all homeschoolers are socially awkward is false.

Homeschooling, by definition, is being educated at home. The student is usually taught by a parent. But often the parent has additional resources, such as the Marion Home School Assistance Program (MHSAP).

MHSAP, for example, provides classes in fields that a parent might not be able to do easily. Such as music, art, science labs, and drama.

Homeschoolers seem to be associated with an antisocial stereotype, but on average, that is not the case. As Thomas Smedley, who, used the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scaleto to rate students who were homeschooled said:

"In the public school system, children are socialized horizontally, and temporarily, into conformity with their immediate peers. Home educators seek to socialize their children vertically, toward responsibility, service, and adulthood, with an eye on eternity"

According to his results, when the average homeschooler is compared to the rest of the nation in socialization,  the average homeschooler is in the top 27%. If that didn't convince you, this video will.

Now whether or not a homeschooler is "socially superior" is debatable. But I can guarantee that not all of them are misfits.

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