Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Making a Post = Meh

I should be writing a post right now. Something that will make you laugh, cry, or at least enlighten you to the full scope of nuclear physics. Or, at the very least, tell you about my cat. Oh wait, I don't have a cat. No matter. Anyway, instead, I'm just blah. I usually have either the post written, partly written, or a nugget of an idea the day before. I tried that yesterday, but at a bad time. While I was driving. I've had my learners permit for almost two years, so I've got highway driving down. It doesn't take much effort to do it. Sadly, I wasn't too familiar with where I was driving, and the conversation went a little something like this:

My Dad: "You know that the speed limit is 55, right?
Me (going 65): "Uh, YEAH! Just kinda missed the last sign..."

Repeat two or three times. So, it was obvious that I couldn't think up an idea yesterday night, but I had all of the morning and afternoon of today! School? Pshaw. This is more important.

It's odd. I feel like taking part in a philosophical debate, but not something as simple as writing a blog post. I'm weird...

So many things that I should be doing right now, but my mind is kind of hibernating. So, what do I do when I can't think up of a post? I write a post about not being able to write a post. And guess what? IT COUNTS, ABBY! If you have doubts, I can always sing a song. Maybe one about cake...


  1. Oh come on, the cat post was GENIUS. :D

  2. Actually, it was pretty good. A blog can be for many things: To enlighten, to engage, to be used as a journal, etc. That simply helped people know you better.
