Friday, April 22, 2011

Portal 2

You know what I could be doing right now? I could be explaining why I've been posting so often these last few days, I could say how I'm competing with my friend/nemesis Abby to see who can blog at least once per day the longest. I could say how you should check out her blog, But I'm not. I'm gonna talk about Portal 2

I have anticipated playing Portal 2 for a long time. It was released a few days ago, and yet I'm not playing it. Why? BECAUSE MY COMPUTER'S GRAPHICS CARD CAN'T HANDLE HOW AMAZING IT IS! If you have played/own/are about to own/heard of Portal 2, you have probably heard that excuse from me several times. At least I didn't buy the game only to find out it didn't work, I checked specs and it looked like it couldn't handle it.

Yeah, I'm pretty sad. What can I do to deal with this anguish? I watched a few trailers and demos. I believe there were fifteen of them in all. I was taken aback by how it not only LOOKED amazing, but how intricate the puzzles could be. I was practically drooling.

I then looked up the final credits song. If you didn't know, one of the main reasons that the original Portal was so amazing was the incredible closing credits song ("Still Alive", by Jonathon Coulton, one of the best songwritters ever). So, Jonathon Coulton (often referred to as "JoCo" by his fans") also wrote the song for Portal 2. The best thing would of been for me to wait until I play the game (which probably won't be for awhile), and discover the song in all it's glory. But I didn't.

The physics look amazing. That's why the original Portal was so cool, the physics were absolutely groundbreaking. This time around, there are quite a few new tools at the player's command. Boy, it looks so fun...

This is a pretty odd post about a game. Despite the fact how AMAZING Portal 2 is/will be (for me), I haven't actually played it, so I can't actually tell you much about. If you really want to know, look up a real review. There's an internets out there: use it.

Maybe denial will work? Is it possible that if I just focus on replaying some classic Sam and Max games I will actually forget about Portal 2?

Sam and Max

This isn't working. I guess somedays a homicidal computer AI beats a hyperkonetic rabbity thingy. Not all day days. But sadly, today.


  1. You're blogging about how depressing it is that you can't use a "hyperkonetic rabbity thingy" on your computer. It called for a facepalm. :)

    But in spite of the fact that it's not a topic that I would have chosen...EVER, it's still really well written :)

  2. Actually, the hyperkonetic rabbity thingy works fine. It is the homicidal computer AI that is giving me problems. You will understand if you play both games. I think I wrote a review for Sam and Max once, and I think I mentioned the original Portal somewhere else.
