Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Perla Vardo: The Ragnarok Chronicles (Part Eight)

"Lucy!" screamed Perla, all thoughts of his quest and his burning desire for justice forgotten. "Wait, Perla!" said Tu "Everything may not be as it seems. This is most likely a trap, so let us proceed carefully"

"But Tu, Lucy needs our help! We can't let her die!"

"Dear Perla, she already died. We saw it with our own eyes. There is no mistake; Lucy is dead"

But Perla hardly heard Tu's words, as he rushed forward. "She's unconscious, but I can't find anything wrong, Tu."

Despite Tu's hesitation, Perla convinced him to get a fire going, while Perla made a bed of pine needles and leaves. As he did this task, he wondered why he ever thought that pine needles would make a comfortable bed. Still, it seemed like the thing to do, and Lucy needed some sort of bed.

"Perla," Tu started "Has the fact that nothing looks wrong with Lucy seem strange to you? When we saw her die a few hours ago, she was killed by a claw to the side. It is impossible for that to be healed by now."

"There has to be an explanation for this Tu, and for that we must wait until she awakens."

All the while, Radunk, oblivious to all that was around him, tried spinning around in circles. The giant cymbals did not provide him much balance, so he fell down face first. Getting up again was quite a chore, so he simply moved his face a bit so it was in a comfortable position in the mud, and he started watching all the bugs crawling about. "Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!" he chattered excitedly. Most of the ants decide that being close to Radunk would not be the best thing, so they scurried away. One little one stayed, however. With a quizzical look on it's face, the tiny ant looked up at Radunk. From the little hop it made, we can imagine that the ant might have said "Bonk!" in return. Radunk, of course, could not hear it either. But by some miracle, he got the message. A happier little guy you never would see. He would have danced if he was standing up. In fact, he tried, but after a little while he realized that he was still on the ground. Now he figured, would be a good time to take a nap, so he did.

Perla and Tu continued their assigned tasks. When a crackle was heard, and a small flame flared up, its light cast a small glow on Lucy's face. She gave a start, and then opened her eyes.

"Where am I?" she asked, ever so quietly." Despite Tu's glare in his direction, Perla replied "Safe. You are with friends now, Lucy."

"Oh, my goodness, I thought that I was a goner. When those wolves attacked, I thought that I could've never survived. But here I am, right?"

"What wolves, Lucy? When you were killed, it was by shadow monsters." said Tu, in a very suspicious tone of voice.

"Now you seem to be as confounded as I, when I met you just a little bit ago. You mentioned something about shadow monsters then too, but you seemed to know what was going on." said Lucy.

"How do we know that this isn't a trap set by our enemies? How do we know that you are the real Lucy?" said Tu, standing up.

Lucy also stood up, until she was face to face with the teddy bear. "Do you even know who your enemies are? And I am very confused; back in Ethantropia you said..."

"What about Ethantropia?" said Perla "We were just on our way there now."

"What? You haven't been there yet Perla? But before..."

"Please tell us all you know." said Tu "It might enlighten us about a few things, and possibly this confusion might be cleared up."

"No, no, no. I just don't know." stuttered Lucy.

A shiver went through all of the camp. Then a long, hoarse, screech. "They've found us Perla!" Tu roared. "We must get away!". Tension ran high; if this was a movie, the scary music would be playing right about now. All of a sudden, everything seemed well. A certain peace was about, and then, BOOM!

The earth itself turned, and twisted, and rose into the air. Now, what looked like statues made of earth surrounded them. If Perla was in his right mind, he might of commented how yet again they had a stereotypical enemy. But, alas, he was not in his right mind. No fear was to be found in Perla's soul. He wanted what he wanted, and these statues were in the way. He stepped forward, a cynical smile on his face, when Lucy ran up to one. Her twin daggers magically appearing in her hand, she roundhouse kicked the statue. With inhuman speed, he caught her kick. And with a laugh, pummeled her into the ground. Hard.

"Not again." thought Perla, the notion repeating over and over in his head. What seemed to be a sonic boom ripped through the clearing.

One at a time, Perla's eyes opened. As his vision cleared, he saw that the living statues were now broken on ground; as dangerous as a piece of pottery. "Did I do this?" he wondered. The rage in him at the time was so strong, he could not remember a thing. Then, he thought of Lucy. He rushed over to her. "Please, please be alright." he cried. But despite his insistence otherwise, it was unavoidable: Lucy was dead.

To be continued...

Oh, on a side note, I almost have 1337 blog views...


  1. I have 1830 total blog views. :D

  2. That's because of the mass refreshing I do when waiting for a new post...
