Saturday, May 28, 2011

Socially Awkward

I've been thinking lately about what being socially awkward really means. By definition, it would be someone who is awkward socially, right?

Obviously, not talking or interacting very much is almost universally socially awkward. But beyond that, who decides what is awkward, and what isn't? Society? Then we can't really label anyone as being "socially awkward", because in some other society it might be normal. Technically, it should be "socially awkward in this society". But who would actually say that?

So why do we make a big deal of it? Does it really matter? I for one am inclined to not care at all. Am I ant-social, or socially awkward in anyway? I don't know. I joke about it plenty, sure, but I don't think it makes much of a difference...

Hmm, I seemed to have kept myself from rambling on TOO long here. Yet again, this is an example of a subject that I don't care much about, but I am so desperate for posts that I use anyway. As a writer, it's a good experience. When I first started this blog, for the most part, I was very particular about what I blogged about. If the subject wasn't up to snuff, I dropped it. I have quite a few posts that were started, maybe a few lines in, that have yet to been finished. Will I go back to look at them now? I'm definitely in need of ideas. I don't know...


  1. I, for one, don't think you're socially awkward, John :) And I like your observation that society determines what IS and ISN'T socially acceptable. I think that's true in many wises. We shouldn't try to conform to the standards of others; rather, we should become who God wants us to be! :D

  2. Exactly :) Of course, the whole point of this post is that I don't care whether I am or not, it doesn't really matter.
