Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I love Wikipedia. It's a super useful tool. Honestly, I have no idea what I did before it. How did I research anything? I probably didn't, which explains why I was so dumb. Anyway, Wikipedia is a great, user-submitted resource chock full of knowledge.

However, I am told that the first wiki ever was actually something called Wikiwikiweb. But no one has heard of it, so it doesn't count.

Which gets into one of it's problems: all content is user submitted. This of course greatly increases the amount of content that they are able to show. But, the information isn't always accurate. Still, virtually every article I have read so far is correct.

With that being said, Wikipedia is not a good place to get information when writing a research paper. Well, not exactly. Wikipedia is a good first stop, although one should always check their information later to insure that it is valid.

Wiki's have expanded from the original Wikipedia. Now, you can find a wiki strictly devoted to only one subject, which means that many things can be elaborated on. When playing a great game or watching a good anime, it isn't uncommon for me to look up the wiki devoted to it. This is a bit of a weakness, because I too often find spoilers. Still, it is a fantastic resource. I honestly have no idea how I would manage to survive Minecraft without it's wiki. Well, I could always kidnap Ryan, tie him to a chair, and force him to tell me crafting recipes...

It's fun to just browse through it, taking in article after article of information. Really, there are quite a few interesting tidbits of trivia that can be found, if one simply looks :)


  1. I agree, John; wikis are awesome!!! :D

    And you'll never take me alive...

  2. Ryan, Ryan, Ryan. Don't worry, that will be my utmost priority :K

  3. Gorram child, research before you post things!

  4. Wikiwikiweb just may be one of the best words I've ever heard. :)

  5. Also, "know one" has heard of it?
