Monday, June 13, 2011


So, I've been in this blogging competition for almost two months. Wow. It has been quite an experience. By far the hardest part has been thinking up of ideas for posts. At the start anyway. Then in the middle, I kind of got into the flow. Finding a new idea? Takes about two seconds. Now, not so much. Although one thing that I have learned is that there is always new ideas out there, I've also learned that you can only think up so many in a period of time. In other words, I've went bankrupt when it comes to ideas. Now, your first reaction might be that this is yet another of those "blogging about not being able to blog" posts. Well, that might or might not be true. We'll see how it works out.

Due to having a blog, I have gotten into the habit of reading other people's blogs. What I find is that my blog really isn't that good. I make a decent post every now and then, but the overall quality is pretty low. And yet, I intend to keep on blogging. One, so that I get better. Two, so that my competition with Abby and Ryan can continue and Three, I want a record of how I was like now.

When I get old, what will I think of this blog? Will I be embarrassed of this pathetic excuse for writing, or will I be glad that I got an early start at writing so much so quickly? Will I keep on writing on this blog, for years and years? Will I eventually have thousands of different posts about all sorts of different subject?

That's thing about having this blog, how long until I simply get tired and quit? Many perfectly good blogs on the internet have been abandoned because the owner became too busy with real life. At the very least, bloggers without proper motivation blog at a very, very slow rate. For example, if I did not have this blogging competition, I most likely would have blogged roughly a tenth in the last two months as I have.

1 comment:

  1. If it weren't for the blogging competition I probably would have written one post. Maybe. :)
