Sunday, June 19, 2011

Socially Tired

Lately, I seem to be developing slight anti-social tendencies. Awesome.

Because I'm at camp 24/7 (except for weekends) this month, I've been around people a lot lately. And I'm kind of tired of people in general. The exchange of social pleasantries has become somewhat exhausting.

People have become, at times, boring. Silence on the other hand, has become calming. I'm not avoiding people completely, after all, they are only anti-social tendencies, I haven't reached a stage that I dislike people, I just get tired of them after awhile.

What is the reason for being socially overwhelmed? Is it partially because I am homeschooled, and thus have had less social interactions than others, or is it my natural personality?

At the same time, I'm loving being around little children more and more. Except for the occasional string of long words put into an amusing sentence, little kids enjoy being around you just because you are you.

Looking over this post, it seems a lot weirder than I intended, like I plan to become a hermit or something. Actually, that might not be a bad idea...


  1. It's not anti-social to want to be away from people on the weekend if you've been around them all week!!! I do that sometimes, and I love being around people!!!

  2. Actually, I meant in the week. But the only time I could write this is on the weekend...

  3. OOH! Well it's ok to be tired once in a while :)

  4. Not to mention that I have to write about whatever I can...
