Saturday, June 4, 2011

Graduation Parties

For the most part, graduation parties are done for the year, and summer rolls in. I don't go a bazillion of them, but I've went to my fair share. Many seem to follow the same basic script: feed guests, show guests pictures of myself, greet guest, and haul in all of the graduation money.

Meh. What is the point of a party if you don't get to enjoy it? I guess it's more just a party in your honour. Most people finish highschool, right? So why not have the big party for finishing college, a harder achievement? Of course, highschool would be more efficient and it would be impossible for most friends from college to come to the graduation party. So it was a dumb idea.

Does it look like I'm blathering? I'm not surprised. I've a done a ridiculous amount of writing today, after all. Right now, I just want to go to bed. I can't give any thoughts or insights. But hey, I tried. The post was about something. Maybe I can't think from all those cookies I ate today, I did seem to get enough sugar to last an average person a year. I should stop writing now, I'm just embarrassing myself. Oh, wait, I don't care if I embarrass myself. No matter, I should stop anyway. I'll be going to camp soon, anyway. Goodnight mr. coconut.