Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I enjoy arguing, or, if you prefer, debating. For me, it is a very stimulating intellectual activity. A battle of wit, will, and eloquence.

I'm not formerly part of any debate team or anything, MSHAP doesn't have that. I guess that Mock Trial does have a little, which makes it a fair substitute, but I really don't get to debate as often as I would like.

Which is why I love it when my two fellow bloggers make posts that are argumentative. It allows me to present my side in a respectful manner, and have a nice, pleasant discussion with friends.

Of course, fictional arguments about the ethical ramifications of eating cooked beans is fun too. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love to debate! But I think there's a huge difference between arguing and debating. I think that arguing is pushing your opinion on everyone else, while debating is presenting your opinion in a polite matter. :)
