Friday, July 1, 2011

Well, That Was Crazy...

The month of concentrated blogging is over. I've had some pretty insane weekends, that's for sure. Now that I'm going back to simply doing a post a day, and allowing it to spread out, I don't know how I'll ever give an excuse for lack of ideas ever again. Instead of being under the wire to write a single post, it's more like being under the wire for seven. I wish that I had been more diligent about making up ideas at camp, though. It surely would have made the writing process much easier.

 Still, I'm happy with myself. My goal for this month was not writing seven blog posts on the weekends, but writing seven good blog posts on the weekends. Although I don't know what I kind of standard I had overall, I believe that pathetic posts were kept at a minimum.

Yes, I know that I missed two days. Sorry about that. I guess the score is 0-3...

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even notice that you have missed two days..hurray for the honor system! :)
