Monday, July 11, 2011


So, this year I will officially be taking Spanish. It's one of those subjects in school where I try... and meh. As school busyness hits it just ends up being impossible. But apparently to graduate from high school I need at least two foreign language credits. I wonder if Canadian or Sarcasm count. But different languages, just like cursive, I haven't had too much use for (don't tell anyone, but I seriously don't know how to read cursive. I should probably do something about that). I don't know, I'm just not too excited about learning a new way of doing grammar and punctuation when my current grip on English's is so weak. But perhaps, it will be good for me to learn a new language. Although I really would prefer learning Japanese instead of Spanish...

1 comment:

  1. Spanish is a SUPER useful language. Do not underestimate it. And, learning another language actually helped me understand English grammar more. :)
